Open Streaming Platform - Video.js, Embeds, Auto-play, & Social Sharing
With the Holidays coming up, the time I’ve had to work on OSP has been a bit reduced. However, I have had the opportunity to add a few new useful features.
Migration from HLS.js to Video.js
Changed the Sorting of Videos to Newest to Oldest
Added an Argument for all Videos/Streams for Embedding Layout and Auto-play
- Enabled by adding arguments to Videos and Streams
- embedded=(True/False)
- autoplay=(True/False)
Added Social Sharing to Facebook / Twitter or via Embedded iFrame or Link
I plan on adding a few more features after the new year. There has been some interesting in providing a Dockerfile for container-based deployment. In addition, I am looking at adding html5 based subscriptions and authenticated API functions for channel owners.
Finally, I am still looking to get a new logo for OSP. If anyone is artisitically inclined and would like to submit a logo, please contact me here in a comment or on the OSP Gitlab Page.